Friday, August 3, 2012

More randomness from the house of M.

Freedom of Speech

When I was a young girl growing up in Compton, California we had a next door neighbor named Mrs. Tillman. I didn’t know much about her except that she was gentle lady who had a husband, two sons, and Doberman Pinscher named Big Boy. Big Boy was seriously antisocial. Each time we entered or exited our kitchen on their side of our house, we would be met by Big Boy’s vicious growling and barking. There was a brick wall between our homes and he was able to jump high enough for us to see his bared fangs (yes child, fangs!) over the wall. Since the homes were close in proximity, each time Big Boy jumped he was approximately two feet away from our faces if we were on the kitchen porch. It was not uncommon for us to be going into the house yelling, “Shut up Big Boy!” or “Stupid Dog”.
One day  it was my turn to wash dishes and I heard Mrs. Tillman out in her backyard. I am not sure what she doing, but I knew Big Boy was always in the backyard. He never growled or barked at her. Anyway I overheard Mrs. Tillman say, “Big Boy you’re running around here like a bat out of umph!”
For some reason I felt moved to repeat this to my mother. To which she replied with much disdain, “That’s a damned shame, she can’t even cuss in her own backyard!” I love my mother.

Come aboard, we're expecting you. . .

I went to Catalina Island with some friends last month. I imagine we all had our reasons for going there. While I like the idea of having our own personal island only an hour away, I am not inclined to visit. I love Catalina, but it is a pain in several body parts to get there and be there. Let me elaborate. Please. 

The parking for Balboa Pavillion ($12) is about 4 blocks away from boarding. The line to get on the boat was crazy long. I hurt my knee going up the stairs to the top deck of the boat. It was freezing cold on the way there and on the way back. The whole time I was on the island I was worried about missing my departure boat. I had serious regrets about not wearing socks with my “Vans” a la Payless. Bathrooms were few and far between. It was hot. I had too much stuff with me and I was short and fat. Other than that I had a good time.

If the pills don't work the m & m's will

The line goes on and on

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